We are continuing our commitment to explore the work of our competitors, as such, today we are exploring Pace Setters. Our previous blog post explored another of our main local competitors- Premier Education. We hope that this blog provides you with further insight into our industry and allows you to see how companies differentiate their services.
Who are Pace Setters?
Pace Setters is a company that offers over 20 different sports, well-being programmes and coaching to primary school aged children. This takes place within school settings, before, during and after school. As you may be able to gather from this extended length of time for the services the company can offer, there’s rather a lot of activities available to children who attend Pace Setters clubs and provisions.
Pace Setters is a locally operating company, working in: Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, and Buckinghamshire.
What do they offer?
Pace Setters offer a broad variety of activities to the schools they work at, which the children can benefit from. The list that follows is comprehensive, but not exhaustive, it serves to give you an idea of what is available:
- Pre-school clubs
- Lunchtime clubs (Change4Life & sports specific)
- After school clubs
- Breakfast Clubs
- Upskilling
- PlayMaker training
- Holiday clubs
- Competitions (Pacesetter Games, inter-school, sports days & cluster)
- Awards schemes
- Wellbeing Steps programme
- One-off Wellbeing workshops
- Wellbeing courses
- Youth Mental Health First Aid training for staff
- Parent workshops
Even compared to Premier Education (who was the topic of our last blog on our competitors), this list of products and services is significantly different. Pace Setters do also offer holiday camps.
What are the prices?
We know that the cost of these activities plays a huge part in whether parents send their children to clubs, activities and camps. We believe that transparency is the easiest way for parents to reach these decisions, so listed below is the prices as of 22/03/23 (prices may be subject to change).
Holiday Camps – £23.50 per full day (9am-4pm)
Before and after school clubs E.G., football or basketball between £14.25 and £15.00 for three sessions.
Before and after school sessions- 7.45-8.45am or 3.30-4.15pm, approximately £5 a session.
We hope this little exploration into Pace Setters allows you to see what they offer, and how it compares to us, and our other competitors.
Explore more information about Pace Setters here:
Sport & Wellbeing – Primary School Club | Sports & Wellbeing (pacesetteronline.co.uk)